夢想還是白日夢? Dream or Daydream? (English Version also available)


Time flies, my life in Ireland is coming to an end soon. Looking back on this year, begin from asking opinions on my working holiday destination, I was given a lot of support by you guys.
This is my first time away from home alone for that long, I am glad that so many of you provide me lots of advice or even actual help, although we have never met before.


Someone may know that, Hong Kong is a really stressful place. People work long hours, but finally they used most of their salary to rent a small room. In this short period of time that I can leave from Hong Kong, I wanted to discover the possibility that I never had extra effort to discover: "Do what you love, then get paid for it."


You may probably know that I am writing blogs about beauty, my own stories and my travel adventures, etc. (I wish I can translate them all into English some day.) And also selling my own hand-made products. I know that currently I am not a qualified writing worker, nor a skilled craftsman. In this stage of learning, each article and each product spend me a lot of time, but at last, I am still not feeling so satisfied on them.

  除了賣出產品外,可能你也會好奇我在做的事是怎樣才能有收入,其實收入不外乎是讀者的打賞,和你們在網頁內所看到的廣告給的佣金分乘。我希望的收入來源,並不是來自追求者有 "其他目的” 的捐款,也不是想找個人包養,而是想從自己的創作中得到收入。但可能是內容還是不夠圖文並茂丶段落又不夠通順,總之就是最後的成果還是不夠好,費盡心思到頭來,別說是房租,連足夠吃飯的收入也不太有。

You may also wonder how can I earn income by writing. In fact, most of them a from readers donation, and a small commission from the advertisements you see on my webpage. I hope my source of income is from someone that satisfies my work, but not from pursuer that has "other purpose", nor Sugar Daddy. However, may be my content is still not good enough, the final result is not so good. Not to mention rent, the income is even not enough to pay for my lunch.

本來的還打算是接下來會直接去一直很想去的保加利亞一段時間,去體驗從未體驗的東歐文化丶去看一年一度的玫瑰節,但在"老本" 都快花光的今天,大概是有點難了呢。厚臉皮地一問,如果我的創作你曾經有得到過一點點有用資訊丶娛樂丶或「使用過」 (哈哈),可以去我們網誌購買這一本共七張照片組成的小電子書 (應該是有史以來我最性感) 支持一下嗎我的保加利亞之行嗎?如果這次保加利亞之旅能成行,答應大家我會步出房間,拍一輯有風景丶有我樣子的外景照大家看!

In my plan last year, I intend to go Bulgaria for a while. I want to see Rose Festival, and to experience the Eastern European culture that I have never experienced before. But probably it will be a little difficult right now. If I have ever brings you a little bit of useful information, entertainment or "usage" (haha) in my creation, can you go to my blog and buy this set ebook (7 photos in total, should be the sexiest pics ever for just €1!) to support my trip to Bulgaria? If this trip to Bulgaria can be done, I promise that I will step out of the room and take pictures with the scenery!

Finally, let me ask you a question, do you have anythings that you don't wanna give up?

